Image for news headline - NRA Schedules Annual Meeting for Indianapolis in April 2019
NRA Schedules Annual Meeting for Indianapolis in April 2019
Get ready--registration for the NRA’s 148th annual meeting begins soon! This year, the meeting will take place in Indianapolis, and like other years, it will feature events including musical entertainment, the Women’s Leadership Forum, and the Annual National Firearms Law Seminar.
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Image for news headline - Did you miss SHOT Show 2019? Catch the Highlights on YouTube
Did you miss SHOT Show 2019? Catch the Highlights on YouTube
The National Shooting Sports Foundation’s SHOT Show is always a highly-anticipated event for recreational shooters, hunters, and general firearms fans, but it can be difficult to attend at the beginning of the year. If you missed this year’s SHOT Show, the NSSF has captured the highlights on its YouTube Channel. Check it out for a look at this year’s show.
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Image for news headline - US Supreme Court to Hear New York City Gun Case
US Supreme Court to Hear New York City Gun Case
On January 22, the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari to a case challenging a New York City law that prohibits licensed gun-owners from removing a handgun from the address listed on their license except to travel to authorized small arms ranges or shooting clubs within the city. The Court will hear the case, "New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York", in October during its 2019 term.
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