Image for news headline - Hunting: Lighten Your Load with These Packing Tips
Hunting: Lighten Your Load with These Packing Tips
It’s time to start planning for your fall hunting trips—that is, if you haven’t been thinking about them already! Field and Stream’s Gun Nuts blog offers some tips on how to streamline your hunting pack while ensuring you have everything you need:
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Image for news headline - Pitch Perfect: Paying Attention the Grip Angle
Pitch Perfect: Paying Attention the Grip Angle
If your accuracy on the range varies from one pistol to the other, you might assume that the grip circumference is to blame. However, it might actually be the grip angle, or pitch, that’s tripping you up. NRA Family’s Wendy LaFever took some friends to the range to determine which handguns felt best and then compare the grip angles. How did they do? Check the article to find out:
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Image for news headline - Hunt of a Lifetime: Mountain Goats in Wyoming
Hunt of a Lifetime: Mountain Goats in Wyoming
Did you know that you can only draw a Wyoming mountain goat tag once, ever? When Nick Oceanak of Timberline Outfitters drew his tag, he knew he was in for the trip of a lifetime. Read about how the prepared for his trip—including how his goat gave him a run for his money.
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