Federal 280Rem 140Gr Trophy Bonded Tip Vital Shock Ammunition P280tt2 Option for medium to large game. Vital-Shok is available in the world's finest big game bullets, from the unrivaled Speer Trophy Bonded Bear Claw and Nosler's latest offerings to Sierra and Barnes. Match that with world class brass, select powders and leg
Manufacturer: FEDERAL Model: P280TT2
Total Rounds 20
Caliber Dictionary
The Below Information Has Been Provided From Our Gun Caliber Dictionary And Is Meant For Informational Purposes Only. It Is Not Intended to Describe The Unique Specifications For This Ammunition.
The 280 Remington is a 7mm (.284-inch bullet) created by necking down the .30-06 case. Wildcatted for decades, it was introduced by Remington in 1957. Initial loads, intended for use in Remington's slide-action and semiautomatic rifles, were mild, which slowed the cartridge's acceptance. This has long been fixed, with current loads including a 140-grain bullet at 3000 feet per second and 150-grain bullet at 2890. The 280 is still not nearly as popular as the 270 Winchester or 30-06, but it has an extremely loyal following, including bulletmaker Steve Hornady and gunwriter Jim Carmichel. It is an ideal cartridge for deer and mountain game, very adequate for elk, and has been described as "the best cartridge based on the 30-06 case." Ammunition is available from most suppliers, and it is chambered by numerous rifle manufacturers. — Craig Boddington