Burris Signature 1" Ring Pos-Align Offset Inserts Install Kit .005 . Contains 6 insert halves, enough for three rings (one .005 offset, one .010 offset, one .020 offset)
Synthetic inserts for 'Signature' rings only
Inserts have the center opening offset by the amount of distance shown in the description. For example, .005" offset inserts will move the scope tube .005" toward the thinner of the two inserts. The inserts can be used to move the scope tube in the front ring, the rear ring or both rings. The inserts may also be used in any combination as long as the matched halves stay together. A set of .005" inserts may be used in the front ring and .010" inserts in the rear or whatever combination is needed.
If the inserts are used to move the front of the scope tube to the right, the point of impact at 100 yards will move to the left approximately 5 inches. If the scope tube is moved in the rear ring to the right, the point of impact will move to the right.
Inserts can be used to move the scope tube in any direction needed for windage and/or elevation.
This kit has 1 each of +/- .005", +/- .010", and +/- .020" inserts Manufacturer: Burris Company, Inc. Model: Bur626019