Double Bullet Tray System for the Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Press by INLINE FABRICATION This double bin swing arm features two of the same bins that come with your LNL and puts the bullets and casings or press tools perfectly within your reach. The bins sit higher than the shellplate and so setting a bullet is the preferred downward motion. It mounts to the factory bolt holes for the case feeder on the back of the press. It doesn’t matter if you have the case feeder or not and it comes with the hardware for either application. It has 2 swivel points so you can adjust the bin position to what is comfortable for you. The bins and arm will also pivot completely out of the way for other benchwork. Both pivot points have Oilite bronze oil impregnated bushings installed for smooth operation and load handling and long life. The bullet tray arm is able to be "flipped" to get the bins 5 inches lower. (For those that sit while reloading)