This bulletproof backpack panel transforms any backpack into a bulletproof backpack. This allows you the freedom to choose any backpack or to make your current backpack into a bulletproof backpack. This bulletproof panel will fit almost anywhere so you can use it in a briefcase, laptop bag, or shooter's bag. This versatile bulletproof panel uses the same ballistic materials as our bulletproof vest. Place it inside a backpack, briefcase, bug-out bag or even a purse. It provides NIJ level IIIA protection, which means it will stop almost all handgun rounds including a .44 Magnum.
Lightweight : Our bulletproof backpack panel measures 10 inches by 14 inches and weighs just 24 ounces (1.5 lbs). It is flexible and lightweight. Our bulletproof backpack panel measures 0.55 inches thick or just over 1/2 inch.