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Pro-Shot Products 1 Step Liquid 8Oz Cleaner/Lubricant Glass Container 1Step-8

Pro-Shot Products 1 Step Liquid 8Oz Cleaner/Lubricant Glass Container 1Step-8

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MSRP: $17.41 You save: $5.44
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Product Summary

8 oz. 1 Step Solvent/Lube


Next Generation of Cleaner and Barrel Maintenance is here!

Environmentally Friendly and Non-Hazardous Formula leaves barrels Totally CLEAN & Protected in One Easy Step


Removes: Lead, Powder, Plastic, Copper (Jacketed), and Primer Fouling

Makes gun bores and actions easier to clean.


Lubricates and Protects: Rust inhibitors and special additives soak into the metal and provide a corrosion barrier for superior rust protection.


Synthetic Synergistic Blend: Super proprietary formula lessens fouling/residue buildup with repeated use.  


Here's how to use 1 Step:

1) Saturate the bore or chamber area

2) Let Penetrating Agents work and sit for 10-15 minutes.You can even let it set overnight in a gun vise if wanted.

3) Run Brush through bore/chamber area and bust fouling loose.

4) Finish with a jag and dry patches. Clean all saturation and fouling out. 

No need to finish with an oil as 1 Step has rust inhibiting and corrosion protection additives!


Mfg: Pro-Shot
Model: 1STEP8


Manufacturer: Pro-Shot Products

Manufacturer No : 1STEP8

SKU : 1164498

UPC : 709779800278

Pro-Shot Products
Phone:   217-824-9133
Website:   http://www.proshotproducts.com
Address:   1213 E Park St
P.O. Box 763
Taylorville, IL 62568
Quantity Pricing
Quantity Available Price
28 $11.97
18 $12.48
72 $15.02
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