PSE Stinger ATK Bow Package RTH 29-60# RH MO BOTTOMLAND
Color: MO BOTTOMLAND Fps: 312 Draw Weight (Lbs): 29-60" Draw Length (INCHES): 23 - 30" Bow Weight (Lbs): 4.0 Axle To Axle (INCHES): 32.0000 Brace Height (INCHES): 6.6200 Let-Off Percentage: 80.0000 Rh: Y Other FEATURES:: Hunter Package Includes Hunter Lite Quiver TRU-GLO EZ Rest, Mongoose Peep D-Loop, Sierra Lite Sight
Manufacturer: PSE Archery
Model No: 2224SSRMB2960
The PSE Stinger ATK (All-Purpose Target Killer) Bow Package is a popular compound bow designed for both target shooting and hunting. Here are the details of the package :
Bow Model: PSE Stinger ATK
Draw Weight: The package includes a bow with an adjustable draw weight range of 29 to 60 pounds. This means you can set the bow to your preferred draw weight within that range.
Draw Length: The package typically includes a bow with an adjustable draw length range. However, the specific range for the Stinger ATK depends on the model you choose. It is important to select the appropriate draw length for your body size and shooting style.
Right-Handed (RH): The package is designed for right-handed shooters. The bow is set up with a right-handed grip and the arrow rest positioned for right-handed shooting. If you are left-handed, you may need to look for a left-handed version or consult with a local archery shop for assistance in setting up a right-handed bow for left-handed shooting.
MO Bottomland Camo: The package features the MO Bottomland camouflage pattern. This pattern is popular for hunting applications as it provides effective concealment in a variety of terrains and vegetation types.
The PSE Stinger ATK is known for its versatility, ease of use, and affordability. It is often offered as a Ready-to-Hunt (RTH) package, which means it includes additional components to get you started in archery or bowhunting. These components may vary depending on the specific package, but typically include items such as a sight, arrow rest, quiver, stabilizer, and wrist sling.