Looking for the best high-performance handgun bullet? Look to Gold Dot.
Gold Dot® Personal Protection
Law enforcement professionals trust Gold Dot® for a reason. The bullet’s exclusive manufacturing process bonds the uniform jacket to the core one molecule at a time, ensuring proper expansion and nearly 100 percent weight retention. The result is immediate, threat-stopping performance.
Using Uni-Cor technology, Speer created the first bonded core handgun bullet. Bonding the jacket to the core means Speer has virtually wiped out the main cause of handgun bullet failures-core-jacket separations. The result is high-retained weight for tactical penetration under the toughest conditions.
Expansion is important also, so Speer uses a patented two-stage process that creates the hollow point cavity after the jacket is built. The first stage flutes the jacket and core simultaneously, controlling the final diameter of the expanded bullet. The second stage controls the rate of expansion and finishes the pint for smooth feeding. This process gives Speer engineers' very precise control in designing each bullet for optimum performance.
Uni-Cor makes Gold dot an accurate bullet, too. The process builds such a uniform jacket that wall thickness variation is nil. Gold Dot was built to meet or exceed stringent law enforcement standards, including the tough barrier tests. Retained weights in bare gelatin are seldom less than 98 percent.
Next time you need a premium handgun bullet, call for Gold Dot.
Note: These are component bullets, not loaded ammunition.
180 Gr GD HP
Manufacturer: Speer
Manufacturer No : 4406
SKU : 4419
UPC : 076683044068
Warranty : Warranted against manufacturers defects.