Designed for straight-walled cases, these sets include CGND Full Length Sizer Die, CGND Expander Die and CGND Seater Die. Full Length Sizer Dies feature a Zip Spindle with a series of light threads cut on the spindle and spindle collet to eliminate slippage and make it easier to tighten the spindle lock when making adjustments. Improve bullet seating and accuracy with the CGND Seating Die. Shellholder sold separately.
Specifications :
- Material: Steel
- Full-length Sizing Die
- Seating Die with Roll Crimp (with floating bullet seater alignment sleeve and steel seating stem)
- Adjutable Case Mouth Expander Die
- Plastic Storage Box
- Three Sure-Loc Rings
- Seating die features seater adjustment screw, built-in crimper, locking retainer spring as well as a floating bullet seater alignment sleeve and seating stem, which prealign the bullet and case before seating occurs.