I had this gun for a few weeks now and like it more every time I shoot it. Right out of the box it shot about 18 inches high at 30 yards but windage was very good. After slowly filing down the front sight it has been shooting very well. I can keep most of my shots inside a 6 inch circle at the 30 yards target off a rest.
I also widened the front sight so it would be easier to see with these old eyes. It now fills up the back sight with a little space on each side at the top of the V. Using various loads from 15 to 20 grains of black powder I see very little difference in accuracy, so I settled on 17 grains. It is a very comfortable load to shoot and I'm looking forward to a summer of shooting fun. Nice solidly built pistol that has very little cylinder movement when cocked. I would buy it again. Thanks, Larry Laughman
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