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5.7x28MM 50 Rounds Ammunition FN America 28 Grain Hollow Point

5.7x28MM 50 Rounds Ammunition FN America 28 Grain Hollow Point

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Product Summary

SS195 Lead Free Round 5.7x28mm (Per 50)

5.7x28MM, SS195, LeadFree

Caliber Dictionary

The Below Information Has Been Provided From Our Gun Caliber Dictionary And Is Meant For Informational Purposes Only. It Is Not Intended to Describe The Unique Specifications For This Ammunition.
The 5.7X28mm was introduced by FN in 1993, developed for a new concept called Personal Defense Weapon (PDW), intended to replace the pistol, submachinegun, and carbine for miliitary use. The concept is a compact, selective fire weapon intended for use within 200 meters, firing a light projectile for controllable recoil. The 5.7X28mm was designed for FN's P90 PDW. It uses a short bottlenecked case firing a 31-grain .224-inch bullet at 2325 fps. Performance exceeds military handgun cartridge, especially as range increases. Although many experts find the concept sound acceptance by the military has not been rapid. — Craig Boddington


Manufacturer: FN America

Manufacturer No : 10700012

SKU : 72439

UPC : 818513002943

Warranty : Warranted against manufacturer defects.

Caliber : 5.7x28MM

Weight : 27 Grain

Bullet Type : Copper

FN America
Phone:   703-288-1292
Website:   http://fnamerica.com
Address:   7918 Jones Branch Drive
Suite 400
McLean, VA 22101
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120 $49.99
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